the River Medway empties into the Channel immediately below the Thames
Estuary and as such it represents a weak spot where a potential invader
might make land fall in order to quickly overwhelm London. This fact had
long been known and during Napoleon Bonaparte's belligerent reign as the
emperor of France from 1804 to 1815, the British had a very real fear of a
French invasion force landing somewhere along the south coast. Thus
adequate protection had to be put in place all the way from the southern
tip of Wales, across the Severn Estuary, then around through the English
Channel, and up into the North Sea. In order to prevent Bonaparte's navy
sailing up river to land troops all the major southern river estuaries
were heavily fortified together with many coastal towns.
the event Napoleon's fleet (reinforced heavily with ships from the Spanish
fleet, giving him a total of 33 major war ships) suffered a crushing
defeat by Admiral Lord Nelson's numerically inferior fleet of 27 ships, at
Cape Trafalgar off the Spanish coast on the 21st. October, 1805 -
RIGHT . With a total loss of 22 ships (FOR
NO BRITISH LOSSES woop woop !!!) the French navy became a spent
force from that day onwards. And with the final removal of old Boney from
the throne of France one might have thought the need for coastal
reinforcement would diminish. But the Admiralty decided that was not the
case and they further fortified the south coast almost continuously right
up until the end of World War II more than one hundred and thirty years
later. In the process Dover became a serious stronghold with massive forts
and artillery batteries built both on top of the land and deep beneath in
the caves cut out of the chalky white cliffs.
Further measures were instigated to
protect the two vulnerable Kent river estuaries north of Dover at the
Channel end of the North Sea. In 1855 an off shore tower fort was built in
brick reinforced with granite facings. Known as the Grain Tower Battery,
it stands 500 yards out to sea on the shallow Grain Spit. The tower's
artillery, which fired over the walls rather than through embrasures,
working in conjunction with the guns in the southern shore fort at
Garrison Point, would most effectively defend the estuary.
1860 it was decided that the existing Napoleonic era Martello Tower a few
hundred yards to the north of the Grain Tower Battery would be expanded
and reinforced by the addition of a casemated fort built around the
original tower, but in the event the planners decided to build a new
fortification instead, to be known as Grain Fort. A large keep formed the
centre of the fort with a polygonal earthwork banking surrounding it. To
the front a deep ditch further protected the approaches to the keep, and
the ditch itself was protected by the provision of four caponiers, heavily
fortified concrete blockhouses with interlinking fields of fire, situated
on the floor of the moat -
secondary ditch was built around the keep itself protected by a further
five caponiers. The fighting compartments and the barracks and admin at
the heart of this extensive fortress were all linked by underground
passageways -
Modification and improvement of the fort
continued throughout both World Wars and right up until the demise of
coastal artillery as an effective force in 1956, guided missiles and bombs
dropped by aircraft having superseded artillery shells. In 1961 the site
was sold off by the MOD and the biggest part of the fort was subsequently
demolished leaving what little remains today - basically the earth banks
and two underground passageway systems. The moat is still readily apparent
although it has completely lost it's effectiveness as a barrier to
progress by virtue of the fact that it is no longer particularly steep
sided. The masonry from the fort proper was bulldozed into the ground
leaving the two passage networks which ran out from the central keep to
access the moat caponiers. The caponiers themselves have also been
demolished leaving only a small and very muddy hole at what was originally
the caponier end of the passage, shown in red on the plan -
SEE RIGHT ABOVE. We did not find the
other passage system with its' incorporated magazine which is situated to
the left of the moat during our exploration though we are informed by a
reliable source that it too is still accessible. Despite the passage of
time and no maintenance what so ever since abandonment almost fifty years
ago the masonry within these tunnels is in superb condition. The keep end
of the tunnel is bricked up comprehensively though. At the keep end of the
tunnel are two of the "demi-caponiers", literally "half" or
"small" caponier -
much smaller caponiers protecting the inner moat, and recognisable by the firing
slots in the outer walls. The tunnel branching off to the right back along the
way we had come in goes off towards the far right outer moat caponier, and it
is also bricked up, but at a point even shorter of where the caponier
would have been situated. At the Y junction itself there is a large, rusty
steel cylinder, probably part of a boiler, almost blocking access, though
it is just possible to squeeze around it.
the early years of the 20th. century, shortly before The Great War, the
height of the Grain Tower Battery was raised and a platform was
built on the top for two 4.7 inch breech loading guns to be mounted.
These much more modern guns had the distinct advantage of a greater range
and a much flatter trajectory compared to the original muzzle loaded
"canons" in place throughout much of the 19th. century. A centralised ammunition
magazine was then created by reinforcing the middle of the tower, and a
mechanised shell lift was installed to raise ammunition to the firing platform
some 30 feet or so above. Around about the same time it was decided that a
boom defence should be constructed across the Medway estuary with the
Tower Battery as the anchor point at one side and the fort over at
Sheerness as the other. The very large chain links wrapped around the
tower six feet or so up are all that remains of the boom today.
 During the Second World War further
modifications were made to the tower as it became part of the London
and south eastern approaches defence network. It worked in conjunction with other
towers built on steel stilts further out to sea to the east which covered the
in-bound flight path for Luftwaffe bombers en-route to London and the home
counties -
SEE LEFT . This particular tower
however appears to have been designated to ward off potential attack by
fast E Boats and the like up the Medway. At this time the
Grain Tower Battery had a director tower built behind the main gun
emplacement and the old 4.7" guns were replaced with a twin 6 pounder, 10
cwt. QF (quick firing) coastal artillery gun installation
Immediately to the right of the gun platform a
search light platform was constructed and the remains of the swivels for
both emplacements can still be clearly seen. The final part of the tower to
be constructed was an extensive brick barrack block of three floors. It
was not however a part of the tower proper but a completely separate
construction on concrete stilts, connected to the main tower by two
concrete walkways at the bottom and top levels respectively.
The Grain Tower Battery today can be
easily accessed along the remains of it's original concrete brick
causeway some two and a half hours before low water on a neap tide. A window of
some four and a half to five hours then opens for a most leisurely tour of
the complex. Nothing remains of the original access way up onto the
platform at the base of the tower so it is wise to take a ladder with a
reach of about 12 feet across the causeway with you. We were extremely
lucky on our visit because we found an old aluminium ladder had been left
behind, still tied in rather precariously! So
without a ladder it would be an extremely risky climb with the very real
potential for a fall from a very considerable height on to jagged rocks
and concrete.
Below is a
selection of the photographs we took underground in the tunnels at
Grain Fort, and then afterwards on the Grain Tower Battery.
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image of your choice and it will open in a new window.
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