Approaching the
bombed female pavilion from the south - the building is almost
completely lost amongst the trees...

Working around the building towards the
north aspect...

building is absolutely huge, occupying a large area and built
with several floors...

A huge section of the building has
dropped from a bomb impact leaving corridors opening into mid

This perspective showing a wing at
right angles to the body of the main building illustrates how
big the building actually is!

As with all the buildings at Beelitz
the windows are large to allow the maximum amount of natural
light into rooms...

The steel naked skeleton of the roof,
tiles blasted away, towers over the top of this part of the

We haven't a clue
what this is all about! We tried a translation program and the
closest we got was the Italian word for "user" by adding an E on
the end. Suffice it to say it's in "foreign speak" and it's made
of concrete! |

One of the cleaner corridors in the
cellars, the rest were absolutely chocka with domestic rubbish!

The entrance to a large boiler room in
the cellars. Odd because all power and heating were supposed to
be piped in from a central generating building. Maybe it's for
auxiliary back up.

of the two large boilers in this room. There were numerous other
boiler rooms in the same part of the cellars too. Despite the
ravages of time these rooms would clean up very easily if needs

A machine - purpose unknown! |

TJ amongst the boilers... |

This access tunnel
runs roughly due east so it is probably for pipes and cables
from the central generating complex over the road north of the
Pulmonary Medicine block... |

The brickwork tunnel has a vaulted
brick-built ceiling and is in superb condition. Steel hangers
run the length of the ceiling and along the walls. But there is
too much asbestos about for comfort.

This shaft goes up to the surface part
way along the tunnel but we were unable to climb up it to see
where we were due to the steel staircase having collapsed...

Once we had got into the building
proper from the north side at ground floor level, we ascended to
the first floor via a very solid staircase...

Although the corridors are completely
bare of plaster the brickwork is still superb. The concrete
floors are very solid too and we found no crunchy floors
anywhere in this building at all...

More stair porn! This building is great
for it!

Almost on the roof in the "air
garden"! |

The skeleton of a roof on part of
the floor below... |

It's very hard to
see exactly what is organic and what is man made...

loo with a view! I wonder if anyone was sat on the throne when
the bomb exploded?

Just how the trees hold on when their
roots have not penetrated the roof is beyond me!

This water tank is still completely
solid despite presumably being open to the elements ever since
the raid in 1944...

Although the aesthetic architecture is
much harder to find on this building it is still there when
bombs haven't totally destroyed it...

Roots come over the roof edge in places
but there's little if any sign of penetration through the
amazing German brick work...

A wake up call when you are wandering
through the woods on the roof tops!

The top floor immediately below the
"air garden" is dry and shows no ceiling damage from tree roots
as might be expected...

Another small
area of the original aesthetic architecture seen through a
damaged wall.... |

There was possibly
an overhanging veranda situated here as clearly we have exterior
windows on the lower floors but corridors opening into space
above and broken supporting beams...

Extremely durable
red bricks make up a large part of this building...

Another picturesque corridor with
awesome "light at the end of the tunnel"...

Criticism of the RAF's bomb aiming
abilities? |

corridor properly lit...

corridor artistically lit. Now where's my gas mask?

An old sun lounger long abandoned
and rusting away... |

...and another...

More stair porn! |

Beauty In Decay...

A large exercise
hall is located on the west wing but we were unable to find a
way in other than at the first floor veranda level... |

The main route away
from the entrance of this pavilion passes through the gardens up
to another female pavilion to the north... |